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· 2 min read

We can create a nice representation of a file tree structure in markdown by combining a few characters in particular ways. This is sometimes useful when writing documentation where emphasizing file structure is important and we don't want to use screenshots. Screenshots just don't age well and are a hassle to update.

· 4 min read

I really like using pull requests templates in Github. They're not only useful to collect vital information about a pull request, but also can serve as a checklist reminder for the contributor.

As you can see in the template, I love clean code so it serves to remind team members to use ESLint and Prettier, though recently I have started using lint-stagedand husky to handle that during a pre-commit hook.

I also think that pull request templates don't have to be boring. They should be fun! That's why I like to sprinkle mine with emojis. 💪😃

· 9 min read

Fonts are an integral part of the coding experience. They can affect our productivity and enjoyment. An exceptional font will be easy on our eyes, not causing severe eyestrain. It will also make code easier to read and write. And lastly, a great font will help us identify purpose and distinguish letterforms quicker, all which leads to legibility and readability. Over the years I have experimented with various fonts for coding. From this, I have learned that monospace fonts that support ligatures can provide with an excellent coding experience.

· 3 min read

Over the weekend I finally got the chance to create a React app's initial boilerplate, bundler, and dev server setup using Vite. Previously, I had been using Create React App (CRA) (npx create-react-app) and sometimes using it to deploy to Github pages too.

Vite the Front-end Tool

Vite is a framework-agnostic frontend build tool that was created by the creator of Vue.js. As of now you can use Vite to scaffold not only React apps, but also Vue, Preact, Lit, Svelte, and good ol' vanilla JS! It currently uses Rollup.js as the bundler under the hood, though there seems to be interest to potentially use esbuild once that is mature enough. This differs from CRA which currently uses Webpack.

In this post I'll do a quick comparison on how to start up a React app and deploy it (to Github Pages), with both CRA and Vite. With Vite it's as easy as it is with CRA. Since I mostly use NPM I'll be using the NPM approach, but if you're using Yarn it'll be just as easy, you'll just have to do the equivalent commands.

· 12 min read

I built my first iOS app in 2012 for a competition called 59 Days of Code. Back then the only way to build one was by collectively using Objective-C, UIKit, and optionally the Storyboard visual builder. I never became an expert at it since it wasn't something I wanted to do professionally — after all web technologies had always been my bread and butter. Nonetheless, I learned enough iOS development to get things working and eventually deploy an app to the AppStore. Since then the ecosystem has changed.

· 4 min read

I had been longing for a dedicated space on the web where I could document concepts related to software development. I wanted to effortlessly add technical notes that in the future could help me refresh what I had already learned. For a while I did this on my physical notebook and large whiteboard because it was convenient – until it wasn't. I love writing and highlighting physically, but it was less accessible and harder to find things as oppose if it were in digital format. I then stumbled across Docusaurus and that facilitated my objective.